6 strategies for your Push Marketing

push marketing
Author: Haydar Yuece // 9min

Anyone who wants to successfully communicate their products and services to customers today has to come up with something more than was the case just a few years ago. Competitive pressure, oversaturated markets, informed customers – previous marketing instruments are increasingly reaching their limits. One possibility opens up with push marketing.

With push marketing, you have an effective tool that helps you to motivate your target group to buy your products. If you haven’t heard of push marketing yet, it’s high time. Make the strategies and measures to your advantage. In this article, we reveal how push marketing works and what it really means for you.

What does push marketing mean?

Push marketing focuses on encouraging customers to buy a product or book a service. To do this, advertising measures are used to draw specific attention to a product, an offer or a promotion. Push marketing is used in the first phase of the conversion funnel (awareness) and aims to deliberately place an incentive to buy and successfully create a need. The focus of push marketing is to increase brand or product awareness among a large and non-specific audience.

The push strategy is frequently chosen as a marketing tool, especially for product launches. New companies on the market and start-ups are also happy to use this form of communication. But basically, push marketing shows its qualities in every industry.

Whether it makes sense to use it must be determined on the basis of individual factors such as the objective, market and target group. It may well be that, depending on the initial situation, so-called pull marketing is better suited as a counterpart to push marketing. In contrast to push marketing, the aim of pull marketing is to offer the customer real added value with information about the product that is important to him and, instead of “pushing” him to buy the product, to “attract” him with suitable measures. In the end, the customer should ask for the product of his own accord.

In our article “Pull Marketing (Link)” we go into this concept in more detail and reveal when it is worthwhile to rely on pull marketing.

But back to push marketing.

Push marketing includes, for example, posters, direct mail, flyers, ads, banner ads, and popups. In terms of methods, push marketing makes use of price reductions, discount promotions, product shortages or time limits, among other things. In the following, we will go into more detail about the possibilities you have with a push marketing strategy. Before that, we will take a look at the advantages of push marketing.

Advantages of Push Marketing

Push marketing comes with some notable advantages that you can use for your online shop:

  • Push marketing reaches a comparatively large target group
  • New products can be “pushed” into the market more easily
  • The target group does not need to know the advertised product
  • Demand is not initially relevant for push marketing. This results from the measures of push marketing
  • Especially physical products can be successfully advertised with push marketing
  • Advertising measures can be used offline and online

How to realise push marketing?

You can implement measures for push marketing offline or online. The important thing is that you also move where your target group is in order to trigger demand as well as increase awareness of your product or service. Today, online marketing is usually the first choice. But a marketing mix of online and offline marketing is often ideal.

Offline marketing channels for push marketing:

  • posters
  • flyers
  • brochures
  • TV advertising
  • radio advertising
  • newspaper ads
  • catalogs


Online channels for push marketing:

  • sponsored ads
  • display ads
  • promotional ads
  • popups
  • social media
  • email marketing
  • newsletters
  • app advertising

Let’s take a closer look at the channels that are particularly important for online marketing:


Social Media

Predestined for push marketing is social media, where you can achieve high reach. Depending on the target group, channels such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook are suitable. You can also use Xing, Twitter or YouTube. Analyze in advance exactly where your potential customers and prospects are most likely to be found. Focus on the most important channels at the beginning. Place ads and post your offers.

Another way to promote discount promotions for push marketing is to cooperate with influencers. Make sure you have the widest possible reach here. Mirco-influencers are also good candidates, as they are relatively cheaper and often more effective.



With exit-intent popups you place targeted vouchers and other incentives for push marketing on your website, which address the customer at the right moment with the right incentive. To make exit-intent popups really work, we use the uptain® ALGORITHM. This ensures through intelligent control that a personalized popup is played out at the perfect time, oriented to the customer’s needs.

Read the article Voucher Codes: How Online Shops still use Vouchers profitably so as not to lose sales.


E-Mail Marketing

Email marketing offers an equally exciting option to implement push marketing. An email reaches your customers directly and immediately. Place special discounts and special offers here and “push” the recipient with limited-time discount codes and other incentives. The more personalized you design your email marketing, the more likely the customer is to buy.

6 Push Marketing Strategies

In push marketing, you use strategies from psychology. You generate interest through different strategies that trigger an incentive to buy in the customer. These include, for example, the fear of missing out on something, the satisfaction of securing a bargain or simply wanting to belong. Push marketing supports all of this.



“Limited”, “Only a few left in stock”, “While supplies last” – with shortage you trigger the so-called FOMO effect (Fear of missing out) in your customers. For many of us, this effect occurs when we don’t buy the product before time runs out. Urgency also triggers the FOMO effect and reasons us to make a purchase. However, use shortage or urgency responsibly in push marketing. Always offer your customers real added value as well.


Social Proof

Positive customer reviews or testimonials used specifically for push marketing build trust in your brand and products – especially if the brand is still relatively unknown. Authentic offers and recommendations from best-sellers motivate customers to emulate the recommenders. After all, we trust people who are in a similar situation more than a company.

Learn now how online shops create trust.


Reciprocity Effect

Do you know about the reciprocity effect? Reciprocity means two-way communication and describes a human behavior in which we treat our counterpart with the same action. If someone does us a favor, we feel obligated to do something good for them as well. Transferred to push marketing, discounts, promotions such as “take 2, pay 1” or free samples trigger the feeling of accepting the offer on the basis of “liking”. One hand washes the other.



Another principle that can be used in push marketing is consistency. Once we have taken a position or made a decision, we do everything we can to stick with it and also align subsequent activities with it. We want to appear consistent. Once we’ve said “yes,” it’s hard for us to say “no.” In push marketing, the principle often comes in the form of trial subscriptions, trial tidbits, trial lessons, freebies, or low-cost starter packages.



Sympathy plays a major role in purchasing decisions and has a subconscious effect – whether we like it or not. If we find a brand, the brand identity, the face behind it or even the website presence likeable, we are more likely to be persuaded to buy something. People always find particularly attractive what has similarity with their own beliefs, desires and characteristics. A high degree of familiarity is also an important factor in sympathy. In the case of push marketing, this strategy can be implemented with advertising images of people who resemble the target group. But actively communicating values that you share with your target group can also lead to a positive result.



In push marketing, authority ensures that you are perceived as an expert by customers and prospects. You place yourself as a specialist in a topic with professional articles, blog posts, videos and webinars. This in turn leads to customers automatically placing trust in your brand and attributing high quality to your products. Seals of approval also achieve the same effect. With authority, you push your product into the market with the help of trust elements.

Targeted use of push marketing

Push marketing in many cases makes use of measures that address human-rooted behaviors and should therefore always be used with great responsibility. Always create added value for your customers when you make use of push marketing strategies. In this way, you additionally ensure long-term customer relationships.

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