E-Commerce Blog

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Interesting blog posts on the topic of e-commerce

B2B Conversion Rate Optimisation in Online Shops
B2B Conversion Optimisation: The Unattended Potential of 4 Simple Tactics

Business-to-business relationships have some special features in many respects, because purchase relationships between two companies run differently in practice than those between companies and end consumers. Accordingly, the measures for conversion rate optimisation also differ greatly in B2B.

  • Blog – Experts
    ecommerce conversion killer
    Conversion Killers - The most common Mistakes in Conversion Optimisation

    You want to optimise the conversion rate of an online shop, but don't want to do anything wrong? When it comes to well-intentioned conversion rate optimisation, mistakes can quickly occur. Find out which stumbling blocks you should be aware of and how to avoid them so that nothing stands in…

  • Blog – Experts
    Traffic und COnvetsion Optimierung Online Shops
    Traffic vs. Conversions: How to get started in E-Commerce

    Anyone who has a successful online shop converts the existing traffic into customers. The obvious conclusion: the higher the traffic, the better for sales. But only when the conversion rate is good can an online shop be sustainably successful in the long term. We show when and how the conversion…

  • Blog – Experts
    email marketing in online shops
    Email Marketing for Online Shops: This is how you increase success!

    Email Marketing is essential for successful online shops today. Used correctly, Email Marketing not only increases customer satisfaction, but also existing customers. The various, cost-effective and sales-increasing possibilities of Email Marketing make it particularly interesting for online merchants.

  • Blog – Experts
    Conversion Rate Branchen Industrien
    Conversion Rates by Industry

    What is actually a good Conversion Rate? The industry comparison of the Conversion Rate offers a first reference point. Nevertheless, it is not always appropriate, because there are also strong differences within the industries.

  • Blog – Experts
    Online Shop Checkout Optimierung
    Conversion Optimisation at the Checkout: 10 Tips

    The checkout takes a special role: It is the key step in the buying process and should therefore be designed with careful consideration. Online shops can reduce this last barrier before the purchase by implementing suitable optimisation measures. With these 10 tips, you can optimise your checkout process so that…

  • Blog – Experts
    Abandoned Cart Mail Warenkorbabbrehcer Emails
    Abandoned Cart Emails: Examples & Templates

    The Email after a Shopping Cart Abandonment is an effective way for online merchants to reduce the abandonment rate and build strong customer loyalty at the same time. But for good reason, many online merchants have unanswered questions regarding the structure, content and layout of the Emails. Find out how…

  • Blog – News
    ecommerce and online shops in pandemic year
    Interview with SME Online Retailers: Experience of the Corona Crisis

    How are SME online merchants doing during the Corona Crisis? We asked four online merchants from a wide range of industries about their experiences. The answers are different: from the restraint in the fashion industry to the collapse in demand for event supplies to the doubling of orders for e-cigarettes.

  • Blog – Experts
    mobile shopping cart abandonement mobile kaufabbrüche
    Mobile Shopping Cart Abandonment in Online Shops

    We hear it from all sides: Smartphones are changing buying behaviour in ecommerce. The growing importance of mobile commerce also raises some questions regarding conversion optimisation: Why do mobile users leave the shopping cart without completing the order? We analyse mobile buying behaviour and offer solutions.

  • Blog – Experts
    ecommerce corona pandemic year
    E-Commerce in the Corona Crisis: How Online Shops react agile

    Ecommerce is not spared the effects of the Corona Crisis. While some online shops have to deal with high traffic, others are facing economic challenges. Online shops should react agile to the current situation in order to gain new customers and keep them loyal even in this crisis situation.